Thursday, December 01, 2005

To moochers all over the world...

F%#$ U. I know I need to let this go and continue with my happy life. There is just something that is really bothering. I have a routine. I buy milk and snacks for my daily consumption. I use the milk for my cafe con leche. It is a morning routine that I enjoy. At times, I have offered some individuals cafe con leche to try it. I am all about sharing.

Lately, one particular individual has really started to annoy me. Okay it is Local Girl. She is standing outside my door engaged in conversation with another co-worker. She tells me I am out of milk or coffee grinds. What am I your supplier? Am I peddling your drugs or what? Don't use my stuff and then not offer to buy stuff to help with the collective. Do I have to put out a little kitty? It should not get to that point. There used to be another co-worker that would bring in coffee grinds too. We made coffee to kind of supply the office. There used to be a lot of coffee left over. We would end up throwing it away. So...I started to make at least half a pot to conserve on the grinds. Only make what we can consume. People have taken cups and have been kind enough to ask for a cup. I usually tell them it is okay to go ahead and have some. They offer money...I refuse to take it. One cup is not bad. But please do not take a thousand cups and treat me like I am your dope dealer.

Local Girl has promised that when she gets her CostCo membership. We will be drinking the best coffee in the world. She also tells me she owes me. the f#%$& up. Stop mooching off my stuff. Sorry blogger about the angry rant. It has been on my mind. I needed to let that out. I can now continue with my happy life. Well...lets leave it at my life. Hope you are staying warm bloggeros.


Blogger sonrisa morena said...

venting is good!!! but i suggest you have a conversation with local girl about this if it keeps bothering you. i know it can be a touchy subject but damn it the smoochers know they are smooching so what the fuck!!...they have to know they are doing it!! bueno eso digo yo.

1:49 PM  
Blogger dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i understand dude. people shouldn't take stuff for granted. it is something for the whole office...people should pitch in. but there are people who only like to take and NOT give.

at least u are a giver

5:03 PM  
Blogger Mariposatomica said...

Santiago, I love that you share but you need to tell this individual right on the spot she needs to fork over some cash. I think I've read on your blog that she has done something similar at group outings. You need to call her out in front of folks.

10:51 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

puff, puff, give, don't f*ck up the rotation local girl... it's time for that her to start coming up with some coffee!
and since when do you need a CostCo membership to buy coffee! last time I checked it was readily available in grocery stores across america.

9:01 AM  
Blogger Santiago said...

Sonrisa-God (or the Universe for others)has indeed answered me today. She has brought coffee today. No need for confrontation. I was about to pimp smack her. hahahaha!!!

Dr. V- I am a giver, but sometimes the giving tree can give no more. You are right people should be fair and pitch in a little.

Mariposa-You are probably right. I need to confront her in a public place with all the other co-workers. Say to her, "Stop being a punk!"

DCN-The same thought ran thru my head. Just give me the cheap stuff. I do not care. She is messing up the rotation.

Hector-You have not let me down. I love the way your mind works. I am going to have to borrow some of those guerilla tactics. JAJAJAJAJA!!!

1:36 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

once upon a time i worked in an office where there was soda available. and anyone could take one so long as they dropped a quarter or whatever a pack of pop breaks down to in the cup. why not do the same with the coffee grinds and creamer. find a place nearby that is convenient for all to go buy it and do some math. place a sign that kindly asks all to cooperate and take turns making runs to supply your coffee needs. i think the person running the errands used to be able to keep the change to compensate them for gas and time.

1:55 PM  

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