Monday, January 23, 2006

Amidst Parties, Newly Elected Presidents, and Blown Up Miners

I have stopped listening to the News. It is not because I do not have time. It is not because I do not want to be informed. The reason for not watching the News is because it depresses me. In the last couple of days, I have overheard various news formats. I have heard the news from my bedroom while trying to read The Chronicles of Narnia. I have overheard over the radio while surfing the net. I have overheard them on the television while attending a birthday party.

Here are a few headlines of the News stories.

"E Hollywood or something reporter has groped actress Scarlett Johansson's boob"
"New President of Latino country is indigenous"
"Education cuts are affecting schools in X location"
"2 More miners dead as a result of explosion in West Virginia"

Some of these lines may not be accurate. Again, I was in a completly different room while listening to these headlines. Some of these headlines do make me want to get back into circulation. I feel a little isolated by not watching television. Well...I have lost my steam. I do not know what my point was. I guess that is what you get when you should actually be working and get interupted.


Blogger Unknown said...

i haven't really paid attention to the news in the last year. i usually get the big headlines a day or two later from friends or my husband. it is depressing.

2:35 PM  

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