Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I'm organizing a break out.

You out or in. It is the day of V-Day. The madness has not started. It may. Cross your fingers. I know...I am crazy. I hear that all the time. It is okay. Worry, when I start to believe it. It has been one of those days.

This V-day is especially bad. Why? Well...I wanted to get something for the misses. She did not want teddy bears, flowers, or chocolates. It pretty much narrows down my choices. I have always hated V-day. It is not cause of the fact that I do not love my significant other. It just pisses me off how commercialezed everything has gotten. Verizon is in on it. Cingular. Yahoo. Everywhere you look something abuot this BIG RED MACHINE!!!! Ok...I am glad I got that out of my system. Actually, the Big Red Machine is also known as Kane. One of the wrestlers from WWE. Anyway, lets love each other all the time.

I been thinking alot. This = bad. Thinking = bad. LOL!! I like being dramatic. I know. You could not tell, huh. I will get home and tried to persuade the misses to go out to dinner. Yeah...she turned me down for that one too. I guess we should really be saving our money. We have a baby on the way. Pray for me friends. Hope you guys have a good V-day. Thanks for playing.



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