Thursday, August 10, 2006


There are times in a persons life that makes one feel invincible. They even feel that they can possibly fly. Well...thanks to some music and certain events. I have felt the urge and think that I can fly. I feel like being Superman and just lifting off the ground. Where would I go? The moon was so beautiful last night that I would take a trip there. I would sit there for a minute and take in the beauty of Earth. I would fall in love with the Earth. So much so...that I would have to fly back down here. Again, I am only dreaming of knowing how to fly. I will not be jumping off of buildings to try and test my little theory that maybe I can fly. So...fellow bloggers I will continue to blog in the wee hours of the morning.

I have also been thinking about my youth. I was thinking about how I could have been a little ghetto gangbanger. Well...I am still ghetto, but that is a different story. I can't get rid of that. I would have totally had a low-rider car with gold spinning rims had I had the money. I remember dreaming of owning a low-rider. I even remember some of my friends ( who were gangbangers) show off their little cars with the 10 batteries in the back to power their wolfer, amps, and their hydraulics. Oh are here about the being a gangster part. I prefer gangbanger because gangster reminds me of Mafia type goons. I actually did the line. The violation line which was the initiation portion of joining a gang. There would be two lines of guys and you would have to run in between them. They would pretty much just punch and quick you while you are you running down the line of these two rows of people. I really sounds stupid. I was a kid back then. At any rate, my family liked to drag me all over the place...relatives, family friends, and just plain far places from my neighborhood. This was good. It made it harder for us to hang out with these hoodlums. You know the so called "GANG" that I had joined. Oh they went on and did better things. You know like sell drugs, steal cars, get locked up, and all that happy stuff that is associated with gangs. I was spared all those things thanks to my parents. I have to love them for just that. Lets not mention they all ways beat me into the right choices. ahahhahahaha!! I mean they really beat me into some right choices. It is all good.

Ha...I bet you all did not know that!! Thanks for coming out. You can continue doing what you are doing. close your mouth! A fly may get in.


Blogger Muñeca said...

Me gustaria saber qué dice este blog. Es una lástima que no sepa tanto inglés para leerte tranquila y sin volverme loca por no entender.

1:22 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

you walked the line? i can't imagine that part of you but i believe you.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

thank god for child abuse... it gets a bad rap sometimes.
a lot of kids have decided to do the right thing not because it was what they wanted to do at the time, but because they were afraid of their parents!

7:22 AM  
Blogger sonrisa morena said...

being the social worker that i am i must report your parents to dcfs...hehehehhee. i hope to never say that to anybody.

you turned out okay dude :0)

1:02 PM  
Blogger Santiago said...

Sofia- Bueno...hay te va la traduccion. Espero que sea el mismo sentimiento que queria expresar y con eso empiezo. Hay tiempos en la vida cuando uno se siente invencible. Tal como uno siente que hasta puede volar. Buenos...gracias a unas canciones y eventos en mi vida siento que puedo volar. Me siento como Superman con la habilidad de levantarme del piso. Donde iria? La luna se miraba tan bella que fuera a la luna. Admiraria la tierra y luego me regresaria. Bueno...eso nomas es un sueno. No en serio voy a intentar a volar. No teman bloggeros. Yo seguiere escribiendo en cuanto pueda.

Tambien pienso en mi juventud. Los dias de ser pandillero. que al fin todavia soy un poco naco. Pero eso ya es otra cosa. Antes soñaba en tener mi carros con sus rims cromados y hidraulicos sin olvidar el sistema de sonido. La idea era que yo antes fui un pandillero. Pero gracia a las palizas de mis padres y el hecho de llevarme a visitar a mis familiares siempre no tuve tiempo para los pandilleros de la vecindad. Sabes que si mi iniciaron a golpes y todo. Muchos de mis amigos ahora no saben todo eso y es divertido en pensar que piensad de mi ahora.

9:14 PM  
Blogger Santiago said...

Chanclita- I did. I did not even cry or anything. The stupid things you do as a kid. Hey...I lived thru it all.

DCnats- You know it does, but I am all for it. Put the fear into these kids like my parents did to me and they will act right.

Sonrisa- Well...the verdict on acting right is not all back yet. There is always that little twitch I have in my left eye. That is another story though. jajajaja!! Thanks for the diagnosis. How much do I owe you?

9:18 PM  
Blogger Muñeca said...

El pasado nos marca de maneras ignotas muchas veces... Lo bueno es descubrirlas y entender que podemos liberarnos de ellas.
ser invencibles...

Gracias por tomarte la molestia de traducirlo!!!
Me sorprendió.

Un abrazo

11:16 AM  

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