Tuesday, February 05, 2008

la soledad

No se cuanto contar sobre este tema. Ustedes me conocen. Saben lo que es mi vida. Me conocen en la carne. No solo soy unas letras en la red del internet. Soy una persona. A pesar de esto, me siento solo. Mi esposa se la pasa trabajando de noche, estudiando, usando la computadora para acabar su tarea. Esta aqui, pero a la misma vez no. Me siento como un padre soltero. Ahora no tengo calzon por que no se ha lavado la ropa. Hay muchas cosas que hacer y solo tengo dos manos. Me encuentro muy atareado. Perdon por sonar medio melancolico, pero si me cae de patada estar asi. Espero que con este desahogo puede regresar a mi estado de gracia.

Cambio de tema. Me encanta mi celular. Tengo un Blackberry Pearl 8100. Anoche fui de compras a Food4less. Es un tienda de mayoreo. Chanclita piensa que es una tienda pa nacos. Sera por eso que voy alli. lol. Bueno...estaba llenisima de gente a las 9 de la noche. Mi celular me salvo. Pude descargar musica y videos a mi telefono. A pesar de las largas filas de comerciantes. No senti la espera desesperada de estar en fila. Me puse a ver un video Boondocks. Lo pude descargar de videos for blackberry. No tenia que pagar algo extra. Solo descargas a tu computadora y conectas tu telefono movil. Transferir el archivo a tu telefono y tus mp3 y zas!! Una fiesta a tu precio y diversion sin limites. No necesito el iphone!!

Ya ven que facil se cambia mi actitud. Tal vez necesito medicamentos como me sugiere Sonrisa.


Blogger Joel said...

we have a store like that here called "Aldi", and yeah, it's for 'nacos', and yeah that's where I shop... but fuck they've got frozen pizzas for like $1.50!!!

5:59 AM  
Blogger Santiago said...

Joel- I had to convince my wife to go to the aldi. She was like, "I am not going there". These were the early years. I went thru a lot. Hey...no one told her to slum it with me. lol.

8:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

oyeme, santiago no me pongas palabras en la boca. dije que esa tienda estaba bien ghetto and i know what that is because i'm chanclita from the block. i'm still not sure how i would use the term naco but i have fresa cousins in monterrey who are experts at it and have in the past deemed me naquita. as a matter of fact i would go to aldis on any..........weekday morning during strategic times of the month when there are not a lot of people there. i was never able to crack food4less like that, its always packed, there is always some super rude person with a real negative vibe there and its not worth the value(the meat looks suspicious). besides getting a pizza for $1.50 at aldi's you can get fresh flowers at aldis for $3 and they have knockoff nutella, winking owl wine--what more could you ask for? :D and sometimes aldi has real random stuff like calzones, and i've been known to buy new socks and chonis when laundry gets backed up. y tu sabes que crowds me engentan (my mama's word, so don't know if its real but you should be able to figure it out in context). dude, did you get the message i sent you via sonrisa? i hope this super long comment doesn't make you wanna spit in my eye 'cause that would be worse than being exed by you.

6:03 PM  
Blogger Santiago said...

Chanclita- I would never spit in your eye. You are too cute. Besides your divinity does not allow me to even have spit near ya. hehehe. lol.

9:16 PM  

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