Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A Letter to Elise

I have been listening to all the songs on my ipod via the alphabetical list. So the #, Characters, and then A,B,C. I have a lot of Cure songs. I love the Cure. They do rock. It is a nice little mix of spanish rock, alternative and even punk. I have heard songs from Fobia, The Cure, Depeche Mode, and other bands I can't recall. I want to work on a poem. A Letter to Elise reflected the mood. It was uncanny. Maybe I will post it or not. I will sometimes start on poem, but end up giving up. It will be like three or four lines and nothing more. I do find that writing about it dissipates the negative emotions.

I do have to confess. I have been thinking about a lot of things. I have been thinking about being evil. I have been thinking about death, birth, the future, relationships, and carreer paths. I still want to be in Disney World. I put up some pictures on the web at flickr.com and Sams Club website. If you want to see them, just e-mail me. It has pictures of me too. I do not look like the guy on the bike. I wish. I did have the bowl hair cut, but that was a long time ago. Okay...I have to get back to work. I really just want to hang at
Chanclitas Store and just talk and read. I really need to win the Lottery. I guess I really have to start playing to win. Oh well. Ay nos vemos que aqui espantan.


Blogger Joel said...

I was just thinking about winning the lottery last week. I was driving in to work and I was still kind of drousy and I had this whole elaborate plan for what I would if I won... actually I think my elaborate plan could be a blog post of it's own, so I'll stop there.

9:47 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i plan on buying a lottery ticket on the 30th of june. i also plan on winning at least 30k. i've been telling mr.cc about it all month. i'll let you know if it works out.

also, this song reminds me of a friend from high school that i had a crazy crush on. he passed away my senior year. but i remember he played it and made me listen to the lyrics because he loved it. the first stanza speaks volumes to me these days.

"Oh Elise it doesn't matter what you say
I just can't stay here every yesterday
Like keep on acting out the same
The way we act out
Every way to smile
And make-believe we never needed
Any more than this"


11:34 PM  
Blogger Santiago said...

DC- my wife has those plans and has also got me into spending our elaborate lottery winnings and we do not even play. i can't wait to see your take on this one.

Chanclita- i will be so happy for you. can you imagine what you will do and how you will feel? that would be awesome.

A Letter to Elise...I am glad I am not the only one that has been impacted by this song or The Cure. Robert Smith has been one of the most brilliant song writers of his time. I can't believe I got to see them at least once on stage.

Cindylu- You are totally right about that one. I mean even the lyrics are better than the emo band out today. I guess it is all relative too.

9:06 AM  

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