Tuesday, November 06, 2007

La ilusion que eres mia

Mi muñeca de oro. Me doy la ilusion que eres mia. Se que eres tu proprio dueño. Aun asi me dejo llevar por esa ilusion.

Me responde...Pero soy tuya!!

Me Alegro que pienses eso. Mi corazon lo quiere creer. Lo quiere creer con todo mi ser. Pero veo la realidad. Yo se que no te puedo disfrutar como quiero. No puedo quitarte las lagrimas con mis besos. No te puedo agarrar de la mano y pasearme por un museo contigo. No puedo besar esos labios de miel. No te puedo abrazar y compartir una vida eterna juntos. Solo me arullo en tu amistad. Lo unico que puedo disfrutar contigo. Una amistad con todo el amor.

I am going thru some emotions. I am not sure what to label them. I am sure some would label them depression. They can also be labeled loneliness. The question is how much of this is weather related and how much of this is personal.

I miss the heat. The cold makes me hurt. It also does not hurt that I kind of had a little accident. You know...the wrestling shows have the advertisement of don't do this at home. You would think a grown man like me would have adhered to the warning. I did not. I was doing some wrestling moves on my kids. Well...in the process I hurt my back. I have had this pain for like a week. It comes and goes. I have had this injury before. It just gets aggravated sometimes with various things. There is no one set cause and effect. The last time I got like this was because it was cold and I did not cover my back. I don't know if you subscribe to that theory that se te metio el frio en los huesos, but I think it is was happened to me. I am getting better, but it annoys me that I feel like this. I have too many things to do. Ok...well talk to you later. ttfn.


Blogger Joel said...

back pain will do it every time... mix that in with a little autumn seasonal change and you've got a recipe for a nice mini-depression.

hopefully the back will feel better and you'll pull out of it in a couple days.

4:58 AM  
Blogger Santiago said...

The back pain is gone, not completely. I am still not feeling a hundred percent. Although, I have been able to wear jeans at work that makes me a little happy. lol.

9:39 AM  

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