Thursday, March 19, 2009

It is not for lacking of wanting

I want to blog. I just havent had the inspiration. The muse to help me get the words out. I can tell you what is going on. It would just be dry information. For example, I am an adult now.

Why? The simple reason is that I have a home. A mortgage payment that pretty much consumes my entire paycheck. It really makes me sick. lol. My home is nice. It is actually nice and big. I am really glad I waited. My wife wanted to get every home we saw. I was like nope. nope. Hell no. One memorable place was the modern first floor, but then go upstairs and it was like 1972. The wood paneling. The hot and humid atmosphere like you were choking. It was not my scene. She loved it. I said no thanks. Still...this place is beautiful. Don't get me wrong. I am still running to Menard's like every other day. Luckily, the only major thing that has needed to be replaced was the furnace. I was not tripping about that because I knew it was going to be replaced sooner than later. I also had the money. Lets hope nothing else major gets broken.

It is funny how when you look at a place, then you begin in your head lists of projects. Projects that I really need to write down. The front steps that need to be replace and reglued. They are like a nice red tile, but the people before did not use the right type of cement to put the tiles down. The need to replace a sink or get the ceramic repair kit for sinks. I am sure it is out there.

I also have to go to dentist. Ugh...the dentist. I am going today. Wish me luck.


Blogger sonrisa morena said...

i love your house!!! i think you and your wife made the right choice. AND i was talking to my sister about my buying a house and she tells me that its alot of responsibility...que si no creba esto, se creba lo otro, que si no nesecitas esto nesecitas lo otro. so i decided to keep renting!!!

AND good luck at the dentist!!

1:07 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

I am totally paranoid about buying a house... I can't tell you how many time my wife has talked to mortgage people and real estate agents and found something, only for me to come in at the last second and ruin it all... it's not that I don't want to own my own home, on the contrary, that's a dream of mine... I just want to make sure the deal and the house are just right.

like you, i dont want to settle for the wood paneling house, or a house that i'm not going to be happy with a year down the road.

That being said, I'm glad you finally decided to take the plunge, and Sonrisa approves then that's all I need.

9:18 AM  
Blogger Santiago said...


Thanks. It really is amazing how I am thinking about Menards like all the time.


I think you have to jump in at some point. You do have to look at the place in terms of how much more will I need to do after I own it. You have to have a house that needs very low maintenance. We were lucky that the market was so down. It gave us the ability to buy a better house for a lesser price. In addition, your debt ratio needs to be low too.

2:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

you have a beautiful house. the hardwood floors are amazing. i would make that upstairs porch area leading to the kids room my writing studio.

i've been a pseudo-homeowner for a long time--jumping in to help my folks--so i know what the obsessive thoughts of menards can be like.

9:44 PM  
Blogger Santiago said...


I was thinking of calling it the sun room. On certain days, the sun just comes in very nicely. I would need some nice easy chairs up there. They are in the plans.

8:58 AM  

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