Thursday, June 05, 2008

To Blog or Not to Blog.

I am not retired. I am still here. There are a lot of things that are going on. It has been really been busy at work and usually that is when I blog. I also dont want to be all depressed on the blog. is really how I feel right now. I just rather not put that negativity out there.

Depression brought on by this weather that does not want to stay warm. It is like we skipped spring all together. We went from Winter to semi Summer. It gets warm for one day and the next it is hailing or freaking cold. It really does not help my mood. I want to be outside. I want to go for walks.

I am also going thru some personal emotions. In the brain reconstruction, memories and emotions are coming up that I am not sure how to deal with. These are emotions I can deal with but the situation that brings the emotions can not be changed. I just wish I could change them. Example, I have six toes (not really), and one of them is really heavy and weighting me down. I can't just cut it off. It would be to painful. It is kind of like that. lol.

I also miss riding my bike to work. I miss my exercise. How weird am I? I know. lol.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sixth toe, can sometimes feel like it's going to kill you. . .but from my experience, I doesn't. It's funny how some things that we go through in life should kill us, you know? It hurts enough. . But I guess God knows why it doesn't and it only makes us stronger. The lack of exercise might have something to do with your moods too. Sometimes all we need is a little 30 minute workout here and there during our week to get our happymones going again.

I've realized a lot of things in the past few weeks due to going through similar personal emotions on my end, and you know what I realized? I have to focus on me. I'm the only one that can make ME happy. I have that power. I do believe that if I can just focus on that, it'll all just fall into place. . Eventually.

You live in Chicago right? I'm visiting at the end of the month, should I plan to pack like a coat or something. =\ I mean because here in texas we're burning the heck up it's so freakin HOT!

11:07 AM  
Blogger la rebelde said...

Exercise helped me get through a really rough time a few years ago. I hate to admit it, but maybe those endorphins (sp?) actually do work! Or maybe I'm just as weird as you. :) Maybe you need a vacation to a spring-like place. I know it's easier said than done, but hang in there!

12:00 AM  
Blogger Santiago said...

Cad- It really does. I know. My mantra is "This too shall pass" It is in the Bible. I am sure the exercise is needed to get better.

I hope things are looking up for you. You are right. You have the power to make it all better. You make things happen. My mom has a saying. "tienes dos trabajos" "enojarte y luego acontentarte". Means that you can make yourself upset and make yourself feel better. No one else.

I would still pack a light jacket. It is cold again. Yeah. It was nice all last week, but it is cold today.

La Rebelde- Exercise does release those good endorphins. I need to get me some of those. There is also another thing I need. It is going to be a part of one of my next blogs. Wait for is going to be legendary. lol.

9:04 PM  

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