Thursday, March 13, 2008

Solitary Confinement

I have noticed that people walk in their own bubble. Their bubble consist of whatever connections they establish via cell, internet, or television. Most of the time they do not want to be bothered.

Today in the morning. I exited my car and walked to work. There was a woman walking towards the same building. I thought for a second...why can't I say hello. Why can't I make conversation? Why do I have to slow my pace or quicken it based on how I am feeling? This way our paths do not overlap. I have walked side by side with a complete stranger in the past. I always think to myself. It looks like we are even friends. I wonder if they are thinking the same thing. They may not want to be disturbed in their bubble today. So...I keep my thoughts to myself. I used to engage complete strangers in conversation. Sometimes I was ignored and others they would respond. It depends. My kids would tell me...Do you know them? I would say No. It is always nice to make small conversation. I know...I think I should have said hi. She was pretty too. Still...she would have thought I was pyscho or something. lol. I know...I think I am a little neurotic. lol.

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Blogger sonrisa morena said...

a little neorotic? dude i thinks its alot!! but you wouldn't be santis if you werent *wink*

7:40 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

I've been meaning to write a post on the subject of small talk... I'm just not capable of doing it. I never know what to say.

Although I wonder if how much of the pretty girl factored into your urge to make conversation!?

5:54 AM  
Blogger Santiago said...

Sonrisa- Thanks for the reaffirmation. My neurociss (sp?) appreciates it.

Joel- It may have had a little impact on it. lol. Dude, you know me too well.

11:31 AM  
Blogger la rebelde said...

I wish I was better at making small talk. If I was, my life might be different in some way. Small talk makes me happy and yet, I feel awkward doing it. A few weeks ago, a nice-looking young man complimented me on the street. I was in my bubble, so I only smiled politely, thanked him, and kept walking. I remember thinking he was a little too smooth. But realized later that he was probably trying to make small talk and I had been the snooty girl who didn't try to make conversation back. Gotta work on that one!

7:03 PM  
Blogger Santiago said...

La Rebelde- Thanks for stopping by. Small talk is an art. You have to have a few off the cuff comments that can fit any situation. For example, this global warming is crazy huh. lol. Hey, How are you? Feel free to use those. hehehe. Seriously, I am not sure I would compliment females on the street at random. I don't think I can get away with that stuff.

8:43 AM  

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