Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Dear Bloggers,

WTF is up with Van Halen. I mean really. Why does this song have to have so much radio play. Okay. I really should not hate. It is a decent song. To the world I would never admit this that I do sort of like this so called "Jump". Why does it bring a smile to my face? I do not know, but it does. I should be happy that it does. It could be stuck in my head and I could really hate it. I think that would be terrible. I can name a few songs, but i do not want to risk getting them stuck in my head. Dammit! There it goes. I will save you the torture.

On a bright note, I have been listening to my ipod at work. Luckily, I have my own office. I can put on my ipod and lose myself to the world. This is great when you rediscover an album you have in there. I downloaded "Mesmerize" from System of a Down. The first time I listened to it, I had a kind of negative reaction. I think they may have swore too much for that moment in time. I go thru some moments that I do not like people to swear. I really do not remember. So...for like maybe about three or four weeks. It just sit there. Well...yesterday I was reading my Maxim Magazine and B.Y.OB. was nominated as one of the best video's out there. I went to go check out the video and then thought, the song has some merit. I remember liking the song before, but I did not look at the name. It was kind of nice to have the whole cd already here on my ipod. Well thanks for listening.



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