Thursday, September 15, 2005

so...what are your dreams

is it the american dream? the big house with the picket white fence outside? the two and half kids? i really feel sorry for that half kid. does it include a dog? this is statement i had to think about recently.

last night i was watching "Dream for an Insomniac". the main character was quoting all these obscure lines. lines from books of plato and other great philosophers. we deal with such trivial things on a day to day bases why have love be one of them. it was an interesting little movie.

the point is people. i am not getting any younger. i should have some dreams. i really do not know what they are. i do dream of a house of my own. i dream of a tricked out Honda Civic. i dream about love lost and forgotten. i dream about love reborn from ashes of barren lands. i dream about being happy.

let us define happy. is happy having the house with the two and half kid? i don't really know. am i happy right now. sure. but my mood changes all the time. i have highs and i have lows. they are part of us being human. i have times of nostalga. i have moments of what could of been. i have thoughts of being bold and telling beautiful women that i think they are beautiful.

i want to paint. i want to write. i want to let my unconsciousness come out in a painting. i want my emotion to come forth in a photo. i want to capture the soul. i want to tell people the truth about everything. i do not like to hide. i want people to love me. to hate me. to get distraught by me. was one of those moments. i am here feel my presence. it is over. thanks for playing.


Blogger Mariposatomica said...

Santiago it sounds like you are a frusterated creative.
Follow your bliss even if they are many. This life is a one shot deal. Why not make it interesting? The book that changed my life and still changes it for the better is called "The Artist Way" by Julia Cameron. I challenge you to read it. It helps you break certain thought patterns.

Here is a quick story: There once was a blogger leading a 9 to 5 life in a barren cubicle. She got paid very well and was sure to get a promotion. Got great benefits. One day she woke up and realized this was not the life she wanted. Now she has no health insurance, is barely making ends meet but is having the time of her life creating and being alive on her own terms. Feed your creativity and see what happens.

On another note, come and check out the play "Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner" by Luis Alfaro and Directed by Sandra Marquez. Let them inspire you. See you soon.

9:47 PM  
Blogger dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i say...what don't u do it? some of those things.

probably can't do them all at the same time so pick one or 2 and go with it.

i love being creative. i have loved the arts since i was a child but unfortunately no one ever steered me in that direction. i had to steer myself. i am glad i did.

1:37 AM  

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