Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Clock Strikes 12

I'm supposed to be on my way to the Dr. I figured I would stop by and check my e-mail. I have been meaning to post a bunch of things. I have not had time. Work is getting stressfull. It always happens this way. I'm sure I will catch up and there will be no worries.

Water is a necessity. Yet Mexico has very poor quality water. You have to buy it to be able to drink it. Can you imagine the poor people that do not have the money to buy it? ¿que triste, no?

Tenemos un pozo cerca de la casa de mi abuela. La agua de ese pozo se puede tomar. Me acuerdo en años pasados nunca tuvimos que herbir la agua para tomar. Solo cuando estaba poniendo un te o cafe. We would mount the burro and attach the lecheras and fill them up with water from the pozo. It was a hard task. To have to attach a rope to a bucket and dunk it in the well. If you did not pull on the rope correctly, then you would only get a tiny bit of water. You had to make sure you held the rope tightly and be able to manuever the bucket into the water to fill it completely. Otherwise, you would be there an even longer time. This was our routine for about three or four days. You also had to make sure to conserve as much water as possible. The dirty dish water would be caught by a larger bucket to use to flush the toilet. It reminds me of the movie Dune.

It is time to go read some more.


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