Thursday, February 02, 2006

I want to be a rock band


I was driving in to work and thinking about a whole lot of things. Some of these things are trivial and some are actual real issues. We shall see if they come out here. I was writing in my head because it is a little dangerous to write and drive on the 290 Expressway. I'm sure it can be done, but why risk it. I managed to think of two different poems, but they evaporated as I was driving. I could not write them down. I thought about Mariposa, she once suggested to buy a digital recorded to dictate my thought and poems. This would be really helpful in these moments.

I was listening to Fobia. I was really upset on Thursday. I found out Fobia, a totally rocking spanish rock band put out a new album. They have not put out a record for about 10 years. They put out there record and it is only available in Mexico. Isn' that a b$#%!?? took me all weekend, but I managed to download about 5 songs from this album. I have to thank God for the internet. I was already planning a trip to Mexico to buy the CD. I know, I am crazy.

In other news, I was really thinking about how grateful I am to have Sonrisa in my life. I was being thankful in general to all the bloggers that I now consider friends. Sonrisa and I have considered making a trip out to visit Joel/DC in Maryland. I'm not sure this will happen, but I would really love to get to meet all these people that comment on my blogg. I have to thank Lolo for putting me onto this. I would have never known anything about blogging if it was not for my friend. I am riding into work feeling really happy. The sun is shining. I think. I am listening to Fobia and thinking about all these things. Let me see if I can remember some of the lines for the poems.

I want to be a rock band (this was the title)
listen to the voice
that signature voice
moving masses
inspiring to riot and revolt
against the establishment

that is as far as i got.

I was also working on an english version of "la noche con ella" and maybe some editing of the spanish version. I want to incorporate more emotion and hopelessness.

i wanted to flesh it out a little more. we shall see if i get time to do this or not.


Blogger sonrisa morena said...

aaawwwhhh, santis i would go with you anywhere you wanted to!!! i love you dude!!!

11:06 AM  
Blogger Joel said...

It's so funny that you say that thing about you guys coming to MD b/c I had a dream last week that Chicago moved... like how a person might decide to move, well in my dream, the city of Chicago actually moved to the Suburbs of DC. So I was all excited b/c all I had to do was hop on the Metro to go meet you all... it sounds insane, but it all seemed perfectly logical during the dream... I was so disapointed when I woke up. "You mean Sonrisa, Santiago, Chancla, Mariposa, Hector, and Dr. V aren't living 20 minutes away!? FUCK!"

9:45 AM  
Blogger Santiago said...

sonrisa- thanks. it sure means a lot to me.

DC- don't be surprised if we come knocking on your door. wait...ok that may be a little creepy.

11:57 AM  

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