Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Mis Cien Años de Soledad

This last week has been a little taxing. I think everyone is having some health issues. So...I will not really get into that for now. I know I need to go visit the Dr., but like Sonrisa and Chancla I am a little afraid. You see I am already a Diabetic. I'm sure I have high cholestorol(sp?) and high blood pressure. In other words, my body is revolting against me. I don't want to think of having to hear, "Well...it looks like you need to take or increase this or that medication because we need to regulate this or that." You know the routine. Well...I am actually hoping you do not. I do not wish this on anyone. At any rate, I wanted everyone one in blog world to pray for my partner in crime Sonrisa. She will be undergoing some surgery. Also, pray for my wife. She is having some heart palpitations. She has seen the doctor and everything is okay. It is nothing to worry about. Well...so the doctors tells us. I guess they know what they are doing. No offense, Dr. V.

Needless to say, all this negative karma from everyone around me is making me feel a little depressed. The worst part is that my wife works the night shift and it makes me feel lonely. I get home and she is leaving to go to work. You see she is working more nights, because the tuition for the kids school has increased. The routine is basically get home and take the kids to the park to hang out. Especially since it is nice out. Play a little tag and just spend some time together. Come home watch a little Pink Panther (the cartoon from the 1960s). Bargain with them on who goes first into the shower. Get them ready to go to sleep. Pray with them before going to sleep. By 8:30 they are out like a light. Damn it is time to go.

All in all. I am lonely and pray for family and friends.


Blogger Joel said...

Hermano, I'm not really religous but I will glady say a prayer for you and yours. I hope you're okay. Please do your best to try and stay positive.

9:55 PM  
Blogger dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

I know u don't want to go...but u should go for a checkup. You never know...maybe things will be okay with you. I think it is worse that u don't go to see the doc. The thing is to prevent as many complications as possible.
Although you might always think so, but you have alot of power in you to change your health....but you have to be willing to take Charge of it.

it also sounds like you and the wife needs to find time to spend with each other. i know it is hard but i think it will only hurt ur relationship if you don't. does she know how u have been feeling? if not, consider telling her....i think she would want to know....i know i would want to know if something was bothering my husband.

yes work is important.
sometimes we struggle to balance our personal life with work.
But family...wife ...children are important too.

11:32 PM  
Blogger dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

yeah...i forgot the "not" in
"although you might NOT always think so..."

you and your family/friends have my well wishes

btw...heart palpitations....sometimes can be due to less scary things such as:
anxiety, too much caffeine (coffee/redbull/soda), and poor sleep.

11:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

santis, i like to focus on what i have, it makes the challenges feel a little less daunting. and there is nothing wrong with telling mrs. santiago that you miss her when she is gone. i bet the feeling is mutual.

4:20 PM  
Blogger Santiago said...

DC- Thanks, I will accept all the prayers. I am doing okay. Life sometimes gets to me. It is a combination of work, people, and sometimes home life. I always try to stay positive. It could have also been the gray skies we were having. I love the sun. I need the sun to survive. jajajajajaja!!

Dr. V- I actually have to go to get my medication refills. I really do try to schedule them every 3 months like I am supposed to, but sometimes it does end up being every 6 months. I go thru my bouts(sp?) of being negative. Trying to keep all the balls in the air can sometimes catch up to me. Even the health part gets a little taxing. You know a little vacation, the dessert someone brought, etc....

I have told my wife about the fact that she works to many night shifts and she is always picking up extras. She apologizes and tells me that she needs more money for tuition. I do understand, but it takes it toll. It is the part of balancing life.

In terms of my wife and her health, it could really just be the lack of sleep. She does not know how to manage her time. It is frustrating because she always over extends herself. The days she does have off she is doing some stuff for her or the kids school, or her family. I've told her about this too. She just does not seem to get it sometimes.

Chancla- I tell her all the time. She needs to manage her time better. This way she can be with all of us. The family and me. We miss her. She also goes thru moments of lets focus on Santiago. They are short-lived. You know...It always has to be about Santiago!! jajajajaja!!!

10:17 AM  
Blogger ms. purity said...

*hug* I will be praying for their health (as well as yours)

On another note, I know where you are coming from on the lonlieness part. My boyfriend works nights and I always find myself lonely as well.

2:16 PM  

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