Friday, April 14, 2006

Sleepless in Chicago

It is coming around 11:30. I can't seem to sleep. I have laid down. I have said my prayers and everything. Mr. Sandman won't come to pay me a visit. I spent a great deal of my day without the net, without tv, without work, and almost no responsibility. On a good note, I did make some of the most fluffiest and tasty pancakes ever. I love pancakes, but these were exceptionally good. They would have been great with some eggs and bacon, but because of Good Friday, I had to leave these out.

My wife tells me we were not supposed to eat at all until the aftenoon. A morning fast in remembrance of the sacrafice that God and Jesus made for us. You see today, Good Friday, is the day that Jesus died on the Cross for us. He died to save us. To save us from sin. I agree with all this. I wish I could have fasted. I catholic for someone that is not catholic. It would have been a good tribute.

Speaking of mother-in-law bought 5 goldfishes. Well...we only have three left. Two died this morning. I took immediate action and took them upstairs to my in-laws to put them in the huge tank they have. It has a filter with tons of fishes. It was strange to see my mother-in-law pour them into the tank. I stood there and watched them for like what seemed an eternity. They gave me such tranquility. It was very therapuetic. We said an Our Father and flushed the first dead fish down the toilet. It was very ceremonious. My son, daughter and I stood around the toilet as I held the fish. We bowed our heads and everything. I dropped him in the toilet and was about to flush. My daughter tells me that she would like to do it. I think I even said a prayer to help guide him to the big sea in the sky or the lake or pond. It was sort of nice. My wife was on her way home from work and missed it all. We should have waited, but then we may not have been able to save the last three.

I stood out on the balcony off my in-laws apartment. It was so tranquil too. The wind flowing thru and around me. It was like renewing me and making me fresh. Does that make any sense? After that I was kind of just really exhausted and did not want to do anything. I went back to watching the fish a little longer.

The rest of the day was just kind of blah. I did get to watch the tv series 24 the first season. I rented it from Netflix. It was very good. I only got the first disk. I can't wait to see the rest.


Blogger Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

If you fast in order to experience a little bit of the sacrifice Jesus made for us, do you also triumph over some personal adversity in order to experience a little bit of the resurrection Jesus demonstrated for us?

2:55 PM  

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