Monday, August 31, 2009

Don't want to want

Yet here I am. Wanting that connection. I feel myself scattered in the wind. Pieces of me floating away like seeds. Landing on unfertil soil. Giving no fruit. This yearning too shall pass.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lost my faith

I am very angry right now. I hate people that make assumptions. It really really makes me mad. I honestly want to punch this person. I don't believe I have ever felt like this.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The disquiet in my heart

Long for the feel of something new. The new kisses that burn into my flesh. The hand that holds hers. Eyes that seem to see new things. The world is seen thru her now.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I have come undone
this forgotten love
cast into the bottom of my thoughts
only to have it surface again and again
I can no longer bear the weight
Drags me into ....

This is all I could muster. These are the random words that get jumbled in my head. It can be brought up because of a song that reminds me of a certain time in my life. A woman that crossed my path that reminds me of someone in the past. Nevertheless, the spirit is restless.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Alto Por favor Por Dios

No quiero empezar este camino.
Ya se como termina este cuento.
Lagrimas de dolor pronto vendran.
Seran los besos iguales.
Amargos con un poco de limon.

Work in progress. Who dictates the rules of love? I'd like to ask a few questions.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Not liking work.

I really hate my micro managing jefa. Aunque dice que no. Eso es lo que ella hace conmigo. It is never enough. I actually get paranoid. It makes me sick. Busy season is upon us. Tons of things I want to write about, but have no time to post. Lets hope I get back in it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

She got under my skin

I can't seem to shake her. I keep going back to the scene of the crime. Try to analyze the interchange. Is this a dream or did it actually occur? Obsession powers me for a few days. Til it fades away, at which I will need another hit. A dose of her. For she is my drug.
