Friday, August 25, 2006

Carnival Madness

Bloggers...I will be working all weekend as a volunteer. There is a carnival by my house. Originally volunteered for the Beer Garden. I will be selling raffle tickets to split the pot 50/50. It is a fundraiser for the benefit of the School that my kids are attending. This is the first year they will be sponsoring this carnival. I worked last night and was able to sell the raffle ticket that won $44. Yippee!! I made someone happy. It was nice. It was over on Laramie and 34th. It is right behind the Hawthorne Race Course. I think that is what it is called. They have funnel cakes. This is going to be a fun night. I have my eyes set on one of those babies.

Bloggeros...estare trabajando como voluntario en un carnaval. El carnaval se ubica por la Laramie y la Calle 34. Al principio me apunte para trabajar el Jardin de Cerveza. Pero al fin me pusieron a trabajar en vender boletos para una rifa. La rifa consiste en el que gana recibe mitad de lo que vendemos en la venta de boletos. El carnaval es para recaudar fondos para la primaria de mis hijos. Este es nuestro primer año. Esperemos que sea exitoso. Anoche trabaje vendiendo boletos para la rifa. Me dio mucho gusto vender el boleto ganador. Ganaron $44. No fue tan mal en 2 horas de ventas. El carnaval esta detras del Hawthorne Race Course. Tienen funnel cakes que es como un churro americano con tantita azucar polvoriada alrededor de este postresito.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Contentisimo a pesar de todo...

Ya ha sido mucho tiempo, verdad. No he podido postular un blog decente. Por casualidad tuve estos 15 minutos antes de ir a trabajar...para dejarles una notita. Estoy super contento. Sera por eso que tengo la idea de que puedo volar. No hace falta que si me pongo triste. No piensen que estoy usando Prozac or un medicamento por el estilo. Nada que ver...pero si me he sentido mas agusto en mi piel.

En estas 2 semanas que entran...estare super ocupado con varios clientes que siempre me dicen, "Pero mi caso es una emergencia". Casi nunca son emergencia y lo que me enfurece es que prodian resolver su problem con simplemente buscar en la red de nuestra organizacion. Mis pensamiento con algunos de mis companeros de trabajo pensamos que estos clientes estan muy chiquiados. Piensan que lo merezen todo. Tal vez por que los hemos acostumbrados. Quien sabe...pero siento tan feliz. Que no me molestan sus estupidezes!! Lo digo con una sonrisa tan grande.

Hablando de
Sonrisa. Lastima que ya no va estar escribiendo sus pensamientos y dejando ir su ira por una u otra cosa. Les doy gracias a ustedes por dejarnos quejar sobre la vida o tambien contarles nuestras felicidades. Me encanta la oportunidad de entretenerlos.

Las ultimas dos veces que salimos con Sonrisa. Me diverti de lo mas chingon. Bailamos con mi ipod. Hablamos de nuestros problemas y tambien nos burlamos de nuestros problemas. Al fin la ultima vez que salimos fuimos a Sangria. El restaurante/club sirve muy rica bocadillos y toca muy buena musica. Toco reaggeton, salsa, y creo tambien tantita cumbia. Me dio mucha risa cuando empezaron a tocar un cancion de Sean Paul. Solo por que esa musica le gusta tanto a mis hijos. Con decir estamos parandiando con la musica de mis hijos. Yo siempre pense que seria la otra cosa. Al reves. tengo que ir. Mucho gusto en saludarlos. Nos vemos pronto.

Monday, August 14, 2006

I dream of Jeanne y mil disculpas.

I want to apologize for not being able to respond to comments. I love responding to them. I just do not have the time to do it. I have read them and chuckled at some of the comments. Thanks for commenting. I have been watching a lot of I Dream of Jeanne. I love that show. It totally rocks. I wish I had found a beautiful blond in bottle like Jeanne. I have to say she is the most beautiful girl ever. I think I have fallen in love with her. I know she does not look like that anymore, but she is awesome. I mean she is just the best ever. She grants all your wishes for goodness sake. I mean you can't beat that. I have been having all sorts of strange dreams too. I dreamt about flying in a lego space ship with no engine. I know...where are you going to sit in the damn lego space ship. It was strange to say the least. I tell you my brain has been in overdrive and I have no time to write it all down.

Quiero disculparme de todos por no poder responder a sus comentarios. Me encanta recibirlos y tambien responderles. Lo unico es que no he tenido tiempo. Me han dado mucha gracia. Gracias por sus comentarios. He estado viendo un programa de I dream of Jeanne. Es un programa viejo. Me encanta ese programa. Me gustaria encontrar una genie. Es una rubia muy encantadora y me he enamorado de ella. Lo se...ya no se mira igual. Pero...imaginate te puede conceder cualquier deseo que tengas. Aparte de eso he tenido unos sueños muy raros. Hace unas noches soñe que podia volar en una nave de legos. La nave no tenia un motor para levantarla. You se lo que piensas, pero a donde se sienta uno verdad. Te digo ahorita mi pobre cerebro esta trabajando muchisisimo. Lo malo es que no tengo el tiempo para dictarlo todo. Que locuras.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


There are times in a persons life that makes one feel invincible. They even feel that they can possibly fly. Well...thanks to some music and certain events. I have felt the urge and think that I can fly. I feel like being Superman and just lifting off the ground. Where would I go? The moon was so beautiful last night that I would take a trip there. I would sit there for a minute and take in the beauty of Earth. I would fall in love with the Earth. So much so...that I would have to fly back down here. Again, I am only dreaming of knowing how to fly. I will not be jumping off of buildings to try and test my little theory that maybe I can fly. So...fellow bloggers I will continue to blog in the wee hours of the morning.

I have also been thinking about my youth. I was thinking about how I could have been a little ghetto gangbanger. Well...I am still ghetto, but that is a different story. I can't get rid of that. I would have totally had a low-rider car with gold spinning rims had I had the money. I remember dreaming of owning a low-rider. I even remember some of my friends ( who were gangbangers) show off their little cars with the 10 batteries in the back to power their wolfer, amps, and their hydraulics. Oh are here about the being a gangster part. I prefer gangbanger because gangster reminds me of Mafia type goons. I actually did the line. The violation line which was the initiation portion of joining a gang. There would be two lines of guys and you would have to run in between them. They would pretty much just punch and quick you while you are you running down the line of these two rows of people. I really sounds stupid. I was a kid back then. At any rate, my family liked to drag me all over the place...relatives, family friends, and just plain far places from my neighborhood. This was good. It made it harder for us to hang out with these hoodlums. You know the so called "GANG" that I had joined. Oh they went on and did better things. You know like sell drugs, steal cars, get locked up, and all that happy stuff that is associated with gangs. I was spared all those things thanks to my parents. I have to love them for just that. Lets not mention they all ways beat me into the right choices. ahahhahahaha!! I mean they really beat me into some right choices. It is all good.

Ha...I bet you all did not know that!! Thanks for coming out. You can continue doing what you are doing. close your mouth! A fly may get in.

Monday, August 07, 2006

I did something crazy...

I woke up about 5:30 am. I went for a walk. The most crazy part about it was that I just woke up. No one nudging me. It brought back some pretty intersting memories.

When I was a kid, my father would wake me up at about 6:00 am. He would take us to the local park and make us do laps. I hated waking up that early. I do not know if this is a good or a bad memory. It is just one of those, "I remember that".

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The 13th

This is one of my favorite songs. I just love the Cure.

"everyone feels good in the room" she swings
"two chord cool in the head" she sings
"a-buzz a-buzz a-buzzing like them killer bees..."
tell me this is not for real
please tell me this is not for real...

from time to time her eyes get wide
and she's always got them stuck on me
i'm surprised at how hot honey-coloured and hungry she looks
and i have to turn away to keep from bursting
yeah i feel that good!

she slips from the stage
a foot no more
but it seems to take an hour for her to reach the floor
and the two chord cool still grooves
as she slides towards me smooth as a snake
i can't swallow i just start to shake

and i just know this is a big mistake
yeah but it feels good!

do it to me! do it to me! do it to me! do it to me!
do it to me! do it to me! do it to me!

"if you want i can take you on another kind of ride... "
"believe me i would but... "
deep inside the 'but' is 'please'
i am yearning for another taste
and my shaking is 'yes'

"you will be all the things in the world you've never been
see all the things in the world you've never seen
dream all the things in the world you've never dreamed... "
but i think i get a bit confused...
am i seducing or being seduced?

oh i know that tomorrow i'll feel bad
but i really couldn't care about that
she's grinning singing spinning me round and round
smiling as i start to fall
her face gets big her face gets small
it's like tonight i'm really not me at all
and it feels good!

do it to me! do it to me! do it to me! do it to me!
do it to me! do it to me! do it to me!

it feels good!

Can you hit the off button...right where it says Brain

Thanks. I am back in the clouds guys. I still have a lot of things I need to resolve. I need to remember for what day I made a Dr. appointment. It is sometime this week. I just don't remember when. Oh well...I will figure it out. Sorry, I know I have not responded to your comments. I have been so busy at work that they do not let me blog. I know, "The nerve of them". I was thinking the same thing. I hope things turn back to normal soon. I miss you all. Chanclita, been meaning to make a trip to your store. I need to buy a book.

Joel has been dreaming about a dream girl on the train. He is also for a writer. Hehehehe!!

Sonrisa has been out and about. hehehehe!! I guess that was clever.

Mariposa has a mouse issue and I am not talking about Mickey Mouse.

Dr. V is promoting a really cool band called Kill Hannah. I nod in approval. hahahahaha!! I am not any sort of music critic, but they do rock a little.

I hope it all goes back to normal routine. I need me some routine.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

La Voz Eterna

her voice conjures mischief
sly smile forming
me mueve desde adentro
y ella lo sabe
she commands me with words
like a toy soldier
no intento resistir
she pushes
yo le sigo la corriente
we let our love take us
where ever it leads
sin prejuicios


Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I drive back from my brothers on Saturday. I drive down Cicero Ave. I cruise thru the nice areas. You know six corners, the used car lots, and other establishments. All of a sudden, it seems you have stepped into the twilight zone. There are borded up houses. Some are burnt out. You can never miss the liquor stores. The restaurants with gated bar fences. Empty lots and a million churches. This place sure seems war torn. We do not have to go to Irak. There are economic war torn communities right here in the heart of the city. Pull the troops from Irak and deploy them here to rebuild our communities first. Stop spending on a war that has no cause. The only cause to secure oil for those that already have the riches. Instead ask the question of who needs the riches or at least a little piece of the pie.