el sueƱo con mi ex
the next scene in my dream, my ex-girlfriend was out in the middle of the street. it was like my cousin's vecindad en el D.F. she was just being dumped by her man or something. she looked at me embarassed. it was strange. i got this feeling of being sad for breaking up with her. i walked to her and told her i was sorry. sorry for all the things i did. there was an overwhelming feeling of love for her. i walked up to her and told her how sorry i was. i also told her that i missed her and that i loved her. her place had rope ladders to go to her apt. it was strange. they kept bringing them up and down. i thought. well...that is just counterproductive. shortly after this. we sat down at lunch or dinner. i am not sure which one. i mouthed to her that i loved her.
we then had to go to some building and there was shooting and i turned in to Jack Bauer from 24. there were lights and investigators and shootings. i think i had to move the people around me. it was strange and fun. i have been dreaming a lot. some have been vivid. some have just been emotional. i dont mean like crying or anything. i just mean like i am left with an emotion afterwards.