Sunday- a long day
Bebe gets cranky and the wife takes him to get him to sleep. I am in the shower the kids are now making breakfast alone. I am still tired and not full awake. I hate mornings in my apartment. It is to damn drafty. I hate this cold in the mornign before I am fully dressed. I finish showering and get dressed. My kids have not burned the house down. Yay...they are horsing around. They burn the last little pancakes they are making. They are not to bad. They argue who is going to eat the burnt ones. Guess who eats them. I half complain about why i get the burnt ones. The pancakes are still very yummy. The kids finish having breakfast and I argue with them on what to wear. The kids have to be at church early because they have to serve. They are altar servers. It is 820 and the wife and Bebe are sleeping. I take it they are not going. I ask the wife if she is coming or going to sleep. She said, I want some of those pancakes. I help her get up. I tell her the time. She eats her pancakes quickly and we all go to mass. Bebe was sleeping, but I think my oldest woke him up cause I sent him to clean up the living room again. He did not clean it up well. He left alot of my daughters stuff on the floor. I yell at him and tell him I dont care if it is not his stuff. I tell him he needs to pick up everything. I find myself yelling at them a lot. Mental note...need to yell more. lol. jk. Yell less.
Getting into van with 15 mins to get kids to church. Luckily it is down the street. They jump out. They are still talking among themselves about the weather. We yell at them to run. They have to be inside, put on their robes, get the other little preparations for the mass. Sitting there chit chatting about the weather. *Shakes head at them* Pastor talks about the need to not judge others even if we are righteous. We should leave that to God. He is the judge of all things. See...I pay attention in church. Actually, this time I did. lol. Most of the times I forget. As soon as we leave church.
Get into the car and tell the wife to get his bag prepared. Three calls take place. I have to go get some tickets from my uncle that lives close by. They are letting us have some free tickets to the AIBA World Championship Boxing. I rush to pick up the parents. We are 30 minutes late. My wife forgot to pack up the Bebe formula. She thought I was going to be mad. I was not that mad. It was annoying. Luckily, I had to pick up those tickets close to the house and I was on the way back to get my parents and it was on the way. Otherwise, I would have been more upset. The boxing was nice. It was interesting. I could not watch it all. Bebe started out very interested in the blue and red boxers moving around. I think he lasted about 10 mins interested and then was bored. My daughter on the other hand was not interested at all.
Sidenote- I took them the day before to the National Museum of Mexican Fine Arts. My kids were asking about "why don't we celebrate Halloween?" Everyone in my parents neigborhood have the decorations. Web, pumpkins, skulls, bats, and Frankenstein's. I told them, "It really isn't a christian holiday." We celebrate "El Dia de los Muertos". I took them to see the exhibits and how we celebrate it. The funny thing is that my son was like can we go now. He was so bored and is more into sports.
My son was really interested in the boxing. It was funny how things got flipped like that. Still we stay til the end. The kids are supposedly hungry. My mom had made some taquitos de frijoles con huevo. They were so yummy. We ate them before going in. They claimed to be still hungry. I know all they really wanted was popcorn and the Dippin Dots. What is it with kids that as soon as they see the junk food, they want some? lol. I tell them we will get some food after the match, besides they just had some food. We get some lunch after at la Pasadita. We have to go there Sonrisa. It is awesome. La parrillada looked so good. The old neighborhood has changed. I think about Alma again. I wonder where she is?
We head over to my other uncle's house. Bebe has been in and out of sleep. He likes the traveling. He does not sleep a whole lot. Well...his sleep patterns are weird. Duerme como gato. lol. I have to give my cousin some caramel apples. I want one now. lol. Btw, I want some cake or something sweet. The whole day I have been craving something sweet. I would prefer some sort of cake. I am not sure what kind. I am stressed out by this time. Nothing really major has occured, but I am just tired of going all over the place. It is an eventful day. My son nags me to play football with him. I would love to, but then who takes care of the baby. My aunt takes him. Oh yeah, my uncle R, who is medio agrio, takes a liking to my son. "Tiene una sonrisa muy bonita" dice mi tio. I feel good cause my son is the cutest thing. I wish I can freeze some of these moments and put them into picture or painting even.
I rest for the little minute that he is distracted. I am really worn. Around 5 the bay gets fuzzy. He is really tired. It is time to go. Me despido de la familia. I almost drive home. I forget my parents are still with me. lol. I was on autopilot. It is funny because I was talking to my dad about the expressways. Imagine if I had not been talking to him. I would have been home and been like, "Oh, I do have to take you guys home" lol. Meanwhile, my brain was still thinking, I want something sweet. I want a milkshake. I want some pan dulce. We eventually go home. We have nothing. I let them have their favorite for dinner, Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich. They kind of complain. My daughter in particular. She wanted me to take them to McD's. I am like no thank you. I have no money right now. The evening is particularly rough. The chaos ends with Bebe being utterly upset cause his bottle did not close right. I had to take it out and fix it. He did not like it. He was screaming for an hour. He did not want to calm down. I was walking around with him. I was rocking him back and forth. Nothing. He would not stop. I felt helpless. I had already been wanting to make myself a drink. This made it even worse. I yelled at my kids cause they were not helping with their noise. They are always horsing around when the baby is trying to sleep. Two times I almost had Bebe asleep, but they made some noise or were watching tv too loud. It was frustrating and I yelled at them. I told them to turn it off and go to bed. I finally got the baby to sleep. I was singing to him. A spanish lullaby. Arrarorrro nino. It eventually worked to get him to sleep. Oh case you are wondering. My wife is working grave yard on the weekends and studying most of the time. I am on my own on the weekends. This also really frustrates me. This means I am working on the weekends too. Sometimes she leaves me with the kids on the weekdays. I am left to fend on my own with all three kids. I should be understanding, but that is another post. I felt bad yelling at my kids. After Bebe goes to bed, I go to their room and whisper in their ears. "I am sorry". They wake up. I kiss them goodnight and say their prayers. They are sweet. They tell me they are sorry. I tell them it is not their fault. They forgive me and I kiss them one last time. I also get them water. Usually they ask me for water after they get in bed. This bugs me because I tell them to get it before they get in bed. This time it does not bother me. I feel bad cause I already yelled at them too much during the day. I get them water. Kiss them goodnight again. lol. I know. We are very touchy feely. lol. I go to my room and watch the news. I almost fall asleep. My mother in law knocks on my door. I think to myself is this night ever going to end. I almost ignore her. I should have. She asks me is my wife home. No. She is not. She is working on my daughter's costume for All Saints Day. She is going to be "La Virgen de Guadalupe". This is going to be on Thursday. We have time people. Do not come in almost 20 mins to 10 o'clock. Let me sleep. My wife gets home shortly after. She wakes me up too. No one is letting me get to sleep. It is like the day that never ends. Just like the post that never ends. Goodness. Finally, I get to sleep. I was supposed to be annoyed and kind of mad at the wife for leaving me all day. I think dozing off for a little bit, when she got home I forgot all about it. I am weird like that. I can't hold a grudge. I should, but I can't. I never got my drink. I need to buy some whiskey. It sure was a a long day. I just needed to get that out.