I'm so sleepy. I wish I could curl up unders this desk and just pass out. I did not celebrate The Sox Victory as other's have, but for some reason I am just as sleepy. I had a great weekend. It was full of art, parties, and meeting new exciting people. I will try to recount the madness of this weekend. It was a cool mad fun. The narration will be influenced by Jack Kerouac's On The Road.
Friday: I leave work and head home on my burra (my father's pet name for his bike) while listening to my mini ipod. On the way home, there is a helicopter in front of the old Cook County Hospital. It was done unloading its patient and the ambulance took off to what ever hospital was its final destination. It was exciting. You do not see this everyday. So...I stop to see the helicopter do its final checks before it takes off. It was kind of cool. It turned on its engines. The blades began to turn. The engines exhaust began to make the air around it blurry. You know when ever there is too much heat. I know there is a physics term for it, but I am not that smart. The helicopter starts to make its ascent and it falters a little bit, then lifts off into the beautiful sky. It was nice. I know what is so special? Well...we do not get to see too many helicopters lift off live. I thought it was a nice little treat. Sorry, Sonrisa, I know this is why I was late picking you up. After I get home, I take a quick shower and get dressed. I got to wear my Dr Martins. I have not had a chance to wear them in a while. I fix my hair. Sonrisa, you have to feel real special. Why? I hardly ever fix my hair. I jump into my ride. I go back to my apartment. I always forget one or two things on the way out. I forgot my little companion, my ipod. Well...we are back in my ride. I rev the engine. I make a mad little dash over to Sonrisa's folks. I had some good tunes to jam on the way there. I resolve to not let the traffic bring me down. It is a Friday Night. It was a night to feel the emotions go rampant. It was a night of smiles, tears, and best of all the moon. The moon playings it everafter mood affects on people who notice her. I almost get lost, but remembered that I had to turn down a street before her block. I plunge into darkness. These streets are never well-lit. I briefly wonder about why this is. There she is coming down her walkway. She smiles. After all she is Sonrisa Morena. It truly is a great night for adventures.
The full moon kept following us like waiting to see what kind of mischief was afoot. It was all out crazies on the road on Central Park. We kept our cool. I asked Sonrisa, "you ready for this". Sonrisa reponded, "time to have some mad hatter fun". I ask her what she would like to listen. She does not care, but I put on a random sampling of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of my ipod. We ponder all the great sights while driving down Odgen Avenue and catch up on old times. The music is on, but the conversation is better. It has been a long time. It has been a long time indeed. We talk about love and we reflect on our great times and our down times. I make a final determination, "Let this night be about great times and the rekindling of a great Friendship. Let it not be burdened by this negativity". We both agree and laugh. I seriously am a Drama King! jajajajajajaja!
Sidebar: Curse the ability to remember such great details. It makes the forgetting things a lot harder.
It is that time. Time to make the mad dash over to the Chopin Theater. It is theater night. We are headed to see, "Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner". We park my ride on Milwaukee. I have many flashbacks of going to the stores on Milwaukee with the millions of family to get a scarf or some shoes. It is my old Neigborhood. We get there about 30 min before the play begins. Sonrisa and I walk into the theater and I see her (Mariposa) a fellow blogger. In my mind, the many entries are reeling like a spool of thread being pulled out and I determine it has to be her. (I know...I really am a Drama King) I keep my cool and maintain my calm. Como dice El Chapulin, "Calma que no panda el cunico!!". We stroll to the man and ask where do we get the tickets for the play. He points us in the right direction. We walk like new creatures barely learning how to walk. I have to admit I was nervous. I don't know about Sonrisa, but I was. We go to the counter and meet this groovy cat. Mariposa is like, "How can I help you?" Sonrisa responds,"We would like tickets for the play". Then comes the question almost all places ask now, "How did you hear about the play?" I respond, "Thru a friend." Sonrisa with a smiles states," We heard about it via a blog." Mariposa gets startled, but continues to write. It was a dead give away. Okay, that sounded like I was a private investigator in those old pulp fictions novels.
We buy the tickets and sit down. We begin to talk like two crazy cats about the day and how it is all about the mad love. Sonrisa admires the art work. I tell her about my John Cusack sighting in the old diner called Chris' Diner. The theater used to be an old 50's style diner before it was turned into a theater. Mariposa comes over to introduce herself. It was a little cryptic. It was like a real ground roots revolution getting started. It was a Bloggers Unite moment. I know what I am about to say sounds real nerdy, but it was a very cool moment. My suspicions had been confirmed. The madness does not just end there. We proceed to then have a high school moment. The cool kid has just invited Sonrisa and Santiago to a party. Sonrisa and I are open mouthed and we play it cool. There is no telling what madness will ensue.
It was a great play about food and its impact on our life. This is a topic that affects us all. Some of us have a more intimate relationship with the topic than others. You can't help but feel the helplessness of this person. I also have to say that I really identified with all the characters in one way or another. It was great ensemble of just four players.
After the play, we wait for the confirmation. It was like those times I used to go to raves. We had to wait for the flyer or the phone number to call. At the end of the chase, we got the address for the party. It was like a treasure hunt. We were looking for a good time.
Sonrisa had already expressed an interest in getting some Sangria. It was Sangria Time in honor of our fellow blogger, Mariposa. After getting the phone number and the address, we jump in the ride and head over to Cafe Bolero. We were in hot pursuit of a nice little cuban restaurant on the northside. It is located on Western and Fullerton. It was the only place I can think of that had some Sangria. It was the best choice of the night. We had some great conversation, food and some Sangria, of course. Good times, Good times!!! I have to say the Sangria was really good. We made future plans of having more Sangria at another time. The service was great because Sonrisa feel in love with the waitress that brought us two types of hot sauce and some jalapeños. It was really good service. The hostess treated us like vip. We had dinner outside in the cool night evening breeze. It was beautiful.
After some Sangria and great food, it has come time to come face to face with how small this world truly is.
Sonrisa wrote - She invited Santiago and myself to a party after the play and boooy talk about a small world!!! i had a mentor who once told me that i was ALWAYS going to run into someone i knew because the world of educated latinos was a small one. Well mrs. p your theory was proved was again this past friday. I ran into so many individuals that I knew. Some from the past and some from the present. The most clever line was, "So this is the famous, Sonrisa" Apparently, Sonrisa is quite the celebrity in her own rite. I have to say the most funniest moment for me was asking a kid in a White Sox Shirt,"Hey who won the game tonight?" His response was, "You are kidding, right?" I was like surprised why his response would be that. All he could have said was yeah the sox won. It turns out he is a co-worker from another department. I have met him many times. I guess the clothes do make the man. I could not recognize Superman without his uniform. Later, I apologized. I said, "Sorry, Clark. I didn't recognize you without the glasses". I don't think he got it. I blame it on the beer and the Sangria. hehehehe. Let us not forget the groovy moon night. It seemed to illuminate the possibilities. I have to say, Mariposa...Thank You. I had the best time ever. We will definitely have to come out and play again. We must start a revolution of Sangria and Bloggers Unity. Sonrisa, thanks for the company. Our friendship will outlast time.
to be continued...