Friday, March 31, 2006

Exorcising Demons and Lettting in the Light

I have been dreaming a lot. I dream in color and dream different scenarios. Last night, I dreamt that we are in Mexico in some busy area. We are attending some family member's bday party. The party is during the day because I am worried that I did not take my kids to school. All of a sudden, some unseen guy drives into some parked cars where the kids were playing. It was a little scary. There were people with guns and just mayhem. I am screaming at my kids to get inside and they are not listening. They are trying to be nosy. When I awake, I hear some songs from Grease the movie. It was my son watching Grease at 6 am in the morning.

I will be going away to a conference in Springfield. I should be a little more excited about it. I will be attending with some co-workers. Local Girl being one of them. This is kind of bumming me out. Let's hope there are no problems. I want to have a good time. That is all.

Thanks for letting out the sun. Let's everyone wave at the sun, but do not look straight into the sun. Have a great day.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

In Honor of Joel

Just a quick little blog. It has been busy around here. Listening to some Rage Against the Machine. I watched Crash last night and it brought this band to mind. Really good movie. I would recommend it.

Monday, March 27, 2006

The forgotten things...

She seemed a ghost from the past. She was not meant to be remembered. Yet she still floats ahore.

Those lines have been haunting me for the last couple of days. I had to let them out. Chicago is a great city. I went to McKinley Park on Saturday. We took a walk with the kids. In hindsight, I think now I know why my son is sick. It was cold. We really had no business out in the cold.

It was nice because here I am in the heart of the city and I am feeding some ducks and birds with some stale old bread. They were eating from my hands. My kids wanted to do it, but they were a little scared of the birds. They were flocking all around us fighting for a little piece of bread. It was great.

I went for a walk during lunch. I saw some really great houses. It was nice to see the new development in the area, but it also angers me and makes me thing of all the poor people being shoved off to even poorer neighborhoods or being displaced because of this gentrification. The city is no longer for the poor.

My Mariposa Linda...

Donde te encuentras.
Sal para encantarme.
Tus alas de marfil
con bellos colores.
Flota por mi alrededor.

This little number was influenced by Mana. I was listening to Mariposa Traicionera. I think. Cuantos de nosotros estamos enfadados de nuestra routina. I know I am. I need to change somethings in my life. Me siento atorado y aburrido. I want to do something fun with my kids during the spring break. I will be on vacation. I want to plan a little trip to navy pier and to the museums. We will be hanging downtown and all that stuff. I feel bad because my wife will have to be in classes. I know she will want to accompany us too. I do not want to just stay at home. I spent almost all Sunday at home on the couch with my kids. My son was sick. He did not want to eat. Trust me this is not normal for my son. I was going to take them swimming. My daughter was real distraught by the fact I was notgoing to take her swimming. She said, "Leave him here with mommy". It would have been a good idea, but mommy has been working and is sleeping right now. Mommy has to go back to work tonight. You try reasoning with a seven year old girl. I really think she is a princess. I wonder if I need to fix that. My daughter told my mother that she favors my son because he was sick. I really do not know what to do with that little girl. Sometimes I think she is too smart for her own good.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

La Vida del Hombre Casado

Hoy mi carnal cumplé años. Iremos a celebrar en su casa o la de mi tio. No se. Mi prima dice que en su casa. Mi mama quiere en la casa de mi hermano. Se tienen que decidir.

En camino al trabajo solo escucho como 5-6 canciones en mi ipod. Tengo que crear un playlist de mis mas favoritas canciones y nombrarle mi “on the road mix”. Tengo un chorro de canciones que me gustan. Ahorita escucho a Café Tacvba- Ojalá que Llueva Café. Sabes que esta cancion siempre me hace recordar los viejos tiempos cuando chico que mis padres trataban de levantarnos con poner a todo volumen canciones de Dueto Teloloapan, Las Jilguerillas, Camilo Cesto, y otros grandes de esa epoca. Ahora como extraño ese violin, esas voces, y esos acordes.

Me doy cuenta que hay mucha gente en este mundo que viven una vida sola y triste. Yo no soy uno de que se escapan. Tambien tengo mis momentos de soledad y tristeza. Al salir del trabajo, todos como rayos van a su coche o al tren para apresurar su camino hacia su casa. Pero que hacen ya que llegan. Yo llego beso a mis hijos y a mi esposa. Mis hijos siempre corren hacia mi. Que tierno, no? Los niños me cuentan de su dia, quizas una travesura o algo que sucedio que los hizo pensar. Ahorita mis hijos estan en una etapa donde se les esta habriendo los ojos al otro sexo. Mi hijo le gusta hacer comentarios de una tal Alexis y mi hija de un chico, Fernando. Pero quien sabe!! Tal vez ya empiezan sus primer amores. Que fatal, no!!

Unos me comentan que van a llegar a dormir. Que desmadre es eso!?!? No que tenemos que vivir la vida a lo maximo. Entonces por que es que unos vamos a llegar a dormir. Se que hay unos que hacen trabajo. Arreglan tal vez la comida para sus esposos o para sus hijos y luego se sientan en frente a la television. No pues que desmadre!!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Dreaming of Doctor Vodka

This is really strange. I hope you do not think I am stalking Dr. Vodka in any way or form. How is that I dream about another blogger I have never met? Who knows? I can only imagine what the encounter will be when we finally meet. Let alone can you imagine her reaction once she reads this. I think it will go something like this.

Dr Vodka: Is Santiago going to be there?
Chancla: Yes...Why?
Dr Vodka: Then I am out. I am not going anywhere near a place where that freak is at.

Ok...maybe freak was a harsh word. Maybe she will say something like...that crazy cat. Either way it will not be a good exchange for sure.


Ok...on with the show.

Why does this woman haunt my dreams? I am not in love with her or anything, but she has visited me in my dreams a lot. I believe it has to do with those lips. I have a thing for lips. Especially big juicy lips and with piercings. I told you I was crazy. The dream was set in my old neighborhood and it had to do with some chinese restaurant and my next door neighbors. I dream about this building a lot and there was a car parked in the underground. I also found it hard to go to my old apartment. The stairs were removed and I had to climb thru some old closets. I barely fit and it was hard trying to get up there. Strange.

I think I was walking down Ashland going north by Chicago Ave. I see an old chinese restaurant. I don't know there is a chinese restaurant in that area and so I pop in to see Doctor Vodka. There is a problem because she does not want to come out to meet me. The funny thing is I never recall asking for her when I enter the building. I then follow suit by begging for her to come and just say hello. Eventually I give up and exit and then get magically transported over to my old building. The building is at 1441 W. Cortez by Cortez and Ashland. This is the apartment I grew up most of my short life. I am chatting with the next door neighbor about what has happened and they are just looking at me like I am crazy. Gracefully, I concede their point that I am a little crazy and go back to my old apartment. As I look at the building, there were some stairs that lead to the basement and in that sections there was a car parked in it. They had somehow knocked down the back portion of the wall and made a small ramp that would allow the car to go down there and park. How the car would get down their with the small engine is beyond me. I think about it as I try to go upstairs to my old apartment. I flashback to a previous dream and think about that dream while I am trying to make my way up the non-existant stairs. I am climbing some like makeshift closets that are acting as stairs and trying to climb, but the steps are too steep and I have to jump in this like reduced space. This is where the dreams gets a little fuzzy and I wake up.

I told you it was strange.

The Real Law and Order: Special Victims Unit

Preface: What you are about to read is a real tale from the CPD. While the accounts may make you think or remind you of yo' hood or your baby cousin or you or yo' baby's daddy, please read at your own discretion. The opinions expressed in this piece are not to be confused with those of Santiago or Blogger as an institution. This piece is by an anonymous author. In other words, no vayan a chismosiar por alli cabrones.

******Law and Order: Special Victims Unit************
Hello folks, I felt inspired to write to you folks because of what I encountered at work today. I hope you find it as interesting as I did. BUT, in order to TRULY get the feel of my job, strap on a Kevlar vest, sign away your life w/ a ton of waivers and take a ride-along. You won’t be disappointed. I’ve concluded it’s a front row seat to Jerry Springer, Maury, and Judge Mathis. ************************************************

You gotta hear about a job I went on.

While finishing up a “street stop” in our beat, we were dispatched to an elementary school to do a CSA- criminal sexual assault. I remember taking in a deep breath and letting out a sigh, thinking what could potentially lie ahead for my partner and I.

Before entering the school, we opened up our incident reporting guides, a listing of criminal offenses, to determine the classification of a potential CSA based on the age of our victim- 13yrs old. The remarks that were displayed on our radio/computer dispatch read that a 13yr old boy reportedly was raped.

Upon entering the school’s office, we met with the principal, counselor, and case worker, along with the mother of the child. I flipped open my notepad and began to jot down cliff notes of the account. According to the mother, she started to see a decline in his academic performance in January and a loss of general interest. About a week ago, the boy mentioned a man was bothering him. She set a meeting up to meet with the school’s case worker regarding this issue. On today’s date, the boy had been dropped off by the mother, but the boy never attended classes. He was approached by the principal at the end of the day when he reappeared at the school. The principal asked where he was all day, and that’s when the boy fell silent. He finally scribbled on a note pad that he was threatened by someone, made to smoke crack and was raped- three fragmented comments on a yellow notepad. That’s when we got called. The principal relayed what the boy told her, that two men had taken him to an apartment, made to smoke cocaine, and had forced him to have sex with another girl while they took pictures.

We gathered this info, called our sergeant and called the SVU- special victims unit. We got general info from the detectives and our sergeant was on his way over. My partner and I decided to talk to him before our sergeant got there. We started slow, asking b.s. questions, attempting to establish rapport. We took our time asking him questions, questions that led our investigation towards the direction of any criminal acts. We got to the point where he described being at an apartment with the two guys and the smell of an odd smoke… we were thinking it could be crack. He was not making eye contact, kept very still, and didn’t offer too much info.

When the sergeant arrived we filled him in. My partner stepped out for a bit, and I was left to talk to him for a while. I turned away from the investigation and began to talk to him about anything; school, sports and where he wanted to go to high school. My sergeant entered and that’s when his interrogation began. Unlike us, he was very direct, brought up comments the parents made and began to ask him questions. The boy began to talk, describing the first encounter with this man that approached him. Sarge began to grill him about little details, what was said, when it happened, who was around… shooting off questions as if the kid was an offender. It seemed a bit harsh at first, but he was directing the inquiry at a much faster pace than we were going. In hindsight, it would have probably taken us the entire day at our pace.

Well, I found out where he was going with his questioning after a while… our sergeant told the boy directly, "I believe you are lying". Sarge had pulled out a few inconsistent statements out of the boy and the boy started getting defensive. Our sergeant got to a point that he told the boy, "Son...I don't believe this story and I think it is time you start telling us the truth or you're about to face some serious issues". Sarge walked out of the room, by this time there was enough doubt to pursue it, but no real direction or motive behind his potential lies; sarge needed more info so he was checking facts with the parents and school officials. He sat back down with the boy and began to question him once more, this time stepping up the questions. More questions, more inconsistencies. It got to the point that the boy claimed that police had come to the apartment and had taken some guys away, and had driven him home.

His story finally unraveled in front of our sergeant that he offered an ultimatum to the boy. Sarge threatened him to have him arrested if he didn’t tell us (my partner and I) the truth when he left the room. The boy tried to defend himself by saying “I’m not lying” as Sarge started to make his way out the room.

…… about 2hrs had passed since our initial arrival……

My partner began to question the boy harshly, and the boy, knowing that he had been cornered and uncovered, confessed. This was the real reason that was uncovered:

He began to sell weed for the dope boys to get enough money to buy Xbox games. He would skip school, pick up “the work” and go about a block away from the school to sell weed. He would then get enough money over a period of time, walk over to a game shop down the street and buy video games. This story matched and explained the recent truancies on his school records. On those days, he would either be selling weed, or playing video games at home. Once done, he would make his way back to school. He managed to sneak out of the house on a weekend while mom was sleeping. (Mom, meanwhile is packing UPS truck for $10/hr providing for the family). Just image the school principal’s reaction when she found this out, we where using her office to interview the child. She didn’t say a word as she was walking around. SHE WAS PISSED. They were handling their reports before we got there, staying after hours. It was nearing 7p.m. and she was still at work. I imagine her day began right around 6 or 7 a.m.

We filled out a small index card documenting the event, called DCFS for a follow-up with the parent.

I walked away impressed by the dedication this kid had to his lies- talk about conviction. Ask yourself this, as a kid, did you have what it takes to lie to school officials and police officers for the better part of 2-3 hours?

I learned a tremendous amount of info about the streets of Chicago. I felt like I was a meteorologist chasing after the “perfect storm.” I got to witness first hand the formation of a drug dealer. This kid had just begun to sell weed, about 2 weeks ago and because of his lies, I had the privilege of witnessing the birth of a dope boy. The elements? (1) the boy and his personal character (2) single mom/absent father (3) the dope-infested neighborhood (4) older dope dealing brother (5) dealers always looking for new kids to sell (6) buyers, local and suburban (7) love for video games.

Depending on your beliefs, you may think of him as a victim of our broken society, or someone accountable for his life, choosing not to work (or remain in school).

I don’t take a stand on this debate; I simply think: JOB SECURITY!


Monday, March 20, 2006

The Screaming Banshee

do you hear the piercing howl,
the wind caresses me
reminds me of the possessed banshee.
how she mourns the loss,
inspiring me to love
imagine the warrior at the top of the hill,
wielding his sword ready to strike his opponent
at the ready to impale the enemy
the rush of energy as it takes hold of me
listening to the enchanting beating of the drums.
I want to tear into flesh.
make you my own.


Death and the Lost Monkey

We are sitting in Church. It was my son’s time to serve as altar boy. It is great to see him so dedicated to his faith. I wish he was dedicated to his school work too. Again, I was going thru my usual doubts and questions about me being in a catholic mass and not being catholic. It was sometimes after the Eucharistic celebration that my wife leans over and whispers to me, “I want to be buried in a catholic cemetery”. For a second there, I think what does this have to do with this service. I must have spaced out as I always do at mass. Here is a little background information…I am not catholic. My wife is catholic and has been all her life. My kids assist a catholic school. I have no problem with my kids attending catholic religion classes and being taught in the catholic faith. The important part is they are learning about God. This is really important. I know you are all asking, “Well…what religions are you, man?” I am evangelical. I believe in Christ and have accepted him as my savior. This is pretty much all you really need to know about this faith. We try to win souls for God thru bringing the good news to those that do not know that God loves them. This being said lets join our regularly scheduled program. My wife continues, “How are we going to do this?” I panic thinking maybe she has some heads up about my life. Death is like taxes it is inevitable. So…I wonder what I am going to do after I die. I tell her, “Well…I won’t have to worry about it because I will be dead.” I then tell her that I do not really care where I am buried. It can be a catholic cemetery. She was worried that I would not want to be buried in a catholic cemetery. I really do not care. We have talked about dying and what I want done. I would like to have a small funeral. I just want a regular pine casket or box, nothing fancy. I would like for people to come up to my casket and write what they want. I would even like for them to just cremate me in the back yard. It does not really matter what they do with my body. I will be where ever the Lord sends me. I want to be in Heaven, but let’s face it. I am not a saint.

In other news, we went to the mall for a walk. It was nice. We just kind of walked around. Here comes the part where I am not a saint. There are all these hot women walking around. I know my wife has caught me looking. I am almost sure. I tell you guys, I do not know how I am still married. I believe it is thru the grace of God. Anyway, the kids, the wife, and I visit K-B Toys. We are not there to really buy anything. We just want to look around and just walk. After looking around, we proceed to go look at other stores. My daughter stops in mid-sentence and says, “Where is Abu?” I thought you had him. Wait…he is in the car. So…we begin to argue about where Abu is. Abu is the little pet monkey of Aladdin. You remember the Disney movie with the Genie. You ‘member, ‘member!! At some point, we remember we must have left him at K-B Toys. So…the whole family makes a dash over to K-B. I kid you not…we are all running thru the mall to go and look for Abu. I know some of you are laughing, but this is a serious issue for us. Do you remember Woody from Toy Story? Well…when my son was little we took him to the mall and we lost him. We all cried when we lost Woody. Never mind the fact that it was almost similar to the actual movie except that the doll never found its way home. We looked thru the entire mall and nothing. We were not about to let it happen again. So…we get to the KB Store and we start to look around. After about 2-3 minutes of looking, I approach one of the associates of K-B and ask the following question, “Have you seen a pet monkey around here?” I chuckled in my head. Never in my 29 years of life had I thought I would utter such a statement. Fortunately, he had and had placed it behind the cash register. It indeed was a happy ending. We went to Baskin Robbins for some ice cream after the little incident to celebrate the saving of Abu. It was quite funny in retrospect. My wife could not believe I had asked that question. I also thing I heard one of the sales associate say something about they caught him monkey-ing around.

Oh you guys like the background. I took this picture from a plane on the way back from Florida last September. Well…thanks for sticking around. Have a happy Monday.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Life 3- Santiago 0

I was having a bad day on Thursday. It was mind-numbingly boring at the office. The system had crashed and the tech people were trying to put it all back together. It came 5 and I breathed a sigh of relief. It is time to go home, my home sweet home. I jump in my ride to make the journey and begin to think about different things. My mind always kind of spaces out when I am driving or cycling. As I near my home, I got a text msg from Sonrisa. It made me smile. I have dinner and immediately begin to have the worst stomach pains in the world. I must have eaten something that did not do me any good. My innards decide to revolt. After taking some drugs like Alka Seltzer and some Pepto Bismol I realize that Pepto Bismol does nothing for me. I have the shakes and throw up twice. It was not fun. I laid down twice before throwing up. I then proceed to have the following dream about all the different type of sausages (it could have been a polish dream) and a funhouse. I get to work and the first thing in the morning a co-worker starts to give me a hard time about my work. Life 3 - Santiago 1

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Misc Thursday...

My tribute to Mariposa Atomica.

good car is back from the dead, junk yard donated a piece to revive the monster, missed actual church three week in a row, pastor calls to see if i am okay, client starts to send me e-mails with pictures of her and her family, previously had invited me to lunch, kindly declined, not appropriate on so many levels, enjoy a margarita with friends and meet new people, need to get back in shape, start to break the routine, feel lost and confused, not sure if it is warm or cold, sad, but happy too, watch Lost in Translation again, Scarlet Johansson is beautiful, discuss my fascination with women and their lips, and almond eyes, henceforth fascination with asian women too, my wife knows about this, lucky i am still married, love her for her understanding, still feel evil sometimes, need to get back to school, even if it is a faint goal in the back of my mind, would like to win the lottery, get a new car, tired of the rat race, need to fill the void, soccer is on, i can't believe i am a sports fan, love my son for loving sports, my daughter loves to be dramatic and art, wonder where she gets it from, would love to have a purging of my home of all things that are not necessary, my pantry filled with bags of crap that makes no sense, had a family dinner last night, we played hum that tune, can't believe the kids love New Kids on the Block, Elvis, System of A Down, Green Day, Blink 182, Carol of the Bells, should be happier than I am, could be the weather, bringing me down, need to get on my bike, i love to hug my daughter and watch cartoons or movie with her, miss my wife sometimes, she works more to get more money, she needs it for kids tuition, wished i could win the loterry, so i can provide, it is not that bad, i should be happier, it is easy to be happy, love my memories, they make me alive, remember cutting class, painting writing, am unique in every sense of the word, yet still traditional.

thanks for sticking to the end. this is all i have for now. just some random thoughts.


Response to Dr V's Cliché

I want it to be true
not the illusion it seems to be
for me to climb into your bed
feel it reverberate thru our bodies
for the many months to come
keep us warm in the cold

Don't want it to be the cliche
let it ring true for an eternity
and continue
to infect us to dream
coat us and make us immune
to this bloody reality


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Forbidden Fruit

see her seeing me
the glisten in her eyes
wish it was directed at me
disconnected from reality
daydream about her
touching her lips
feeling her excitement by my touch
lust after her loins
her smile
her hips
her hair
those peering eyes
piercing my soul
does she see my lust
my brain screams forbidden
my body tells me otherwise.


Thursday, March 09, 2006


I am in my parents home town in Mexico. I was walking around when I stop at my grandmothers house to check on the livestock. There are two stables one across the street and the one attached to my grandmothers house. Keep in mind this is only in my dream. My grandmother no longer has any livestock and she definitely does not have any stables. Okay...moving on. As I check on the livestock, I come to find that the door to the stable is completely open. As I ponder the thought of where they could be, Whispering Muse is coming up the road. WM and I speak for a little bit and then we start to make out. I full fledged making out. We are just all over each other. We stop making out and it turns out her mother decides to walk on by too. She stops to talk to us for a second and leaves. I think to myself. Wow, she is a very nice looking woman. She looks like WM just a little older. I remember the "ganado" (spanish word for livestock, funny thing I dreamt this all in spanish). disculpo de WM and go and look for the livestock. I encounter the mother and then proceed to make out with the mother. Again, she was just as pretty as WM. After making out with WM's mother, I go and find the ganado and am busy shooing them back to the other stable where they are supposed to go. Some are cooperating like the pigs, but some are definitely not paying me no attention. All of a sudden a big huge machine stumbles onto the field where the livestock was at. It was like a Star Wars Ship. The only difference is by this time...WM, her mother and I were trying to get all the livestock into one stable and so the machine nearly crushed us. We are laying there about to be crushed by this huge machine and I am doing all I can so it does not crush us. At some point, we lift the machine enough for all of us to get out from under the wing like section of the machine. We then have knowledge that we have to stow away ourselves into these compartments for safety reasons. I was not really sure what we were in danger of, but we needed to do this. So...I was about to stow away with WM and WM's mom. I was thinking of all the make out possibilities. I could be wrong because maybe mom and daughter where in different compartments. There was some indesiciveness on my part. (I know...surprise, surprise) I kept getting out and wanting to go to another compartment. This is the part where I wake up.

The reason this is a strange dream is because I just took some pictures of WM and was thinking how unattractive she was. I see where some guys may think she is all that and bag of chips, but she really does not do it for me. I was really turned on by her and her mother. I know it may be sick to some of you, but it was nice. It was an ego boost.

I have been down. I know I should not be, but my car is no longer working. I am torn between using public transportation all the time or getting this one fixed. I know I have to transport my kids, but I'm sure they can take the train or bus anywhere. Even to go and visit my mother and other family. I think they enjoy taking the bus and the train anyway. It will be fun for them. Besides, I will save money by cancelling my insurance (if I sell my car), parking, gas, and maintenance and I will begin to bike soon anyway. I just have to look at all the other pricing possibilities of taking public transportation. Well...there are a lot of decisions I have to make. Talk to you guys later.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Mi Chilango Moment

No, pues que puta madre con este carrito. Ya me tiene hasta la madre. No quiere prender el cabron. Ya mero queria el pinche huevon pero al fin me la rayo. Que le doy en la madre al pendejo y me aviente en el tren. Me siento como un nerd porque me dio mucho gusto tomar el tren. Las diferentes caras y pistas…fue divertido y a pesar que esta un poco culero de frio. Pero ay las trais.

Que dice mi morenita? A cabron apoco no suena muy aca pipiri-nice. No manchen. Quehubole guey…no se me espanten. Todavia es tu papa Santis.

Monday, March 06, 2006

The one about the nip...

***********Warning************ Warning************
This post will be about sex. If you are not comfortable with your sexuality, then you must leave now. If you are offended by adult talk or circumstance or the word nipples, please I implore you to leave like right now.

Okay...where was I. Ah yes!! It was a saturday night. I had awoke with a pain in my lower back. The lower back pain is not important. I had an invitation to attend a little house party. It was going to be a small gathering of people at Local Girl's apartment. She has invited me before to a few of her gatherings and I have been to only to one of the many that she has thrown. As you may or may not know, I have some slight reservations with this young lady. I will not relive them now, but I know there are some post in reference to her. I know there are more post, but I only linked two. So...if you want a little background there you have it. Okay...moving on, the day was like any other day. I got up and got ready to go hang out with my brother, mother and kids. We went to go watch a movie called Doogal. Please, do not try to watch this lame ass movie. I mean it is so sad that it is pathetic. Anywho, let move on to the juicy stuff.

I call Local Girl around 9:25pm to see if the party is still on. To my surprise, I get bad news that an old co-worker was not going to attend. Bee was going to come out, but punked out at the last minute. I almost decide not to go. My back was still in pain and I was a little tired. I think I passed out between 9 and 9:25. It was a little power nap. I was really hoping that when I called Local Girl woud not answer, but she did. I get to the apartment about 10:15 pm. She comes and greets me outside. We proceed to drink and talk and play a card game named Asshole. It was interesting. I don't think I understood the rules, but ended up playing two games. Turns out one of the players was too drunk to continue. I end up getting a tour of her apartment. It was nice. I like the color scheme she used. It was a red and green combination. It actually worked really well. So...we continue talking and people move around and talk about various topics. At some point, I feel a little uncomfortable because I am the only Latino there. Well...Local Girl considers herself to be latina, but honestly...she is a white girl. There is nothing wrong with that, but you need to decide.

Local Girl and I decided to have a conversation about her mom and her mother's break up with the boyfriend. I was thinking that is good for her because from my understanding the guy was kind of a tool. He kind of mooched off the mother free rent and other things. So...I was glad for the mother. I go to smoke a cigarette and continue the conversation. We continue talking for a minute and then two other girls join us and we start to talk about other thing. At some point during the conversation, they started talking about their nipples and the type of nipples they have and how big each of there breast were. I believe even Local Girl wanted to go into bathroom and compare whose nipples and breast were the best. I was standing there with mouth opened wide. They kept tugging down at their shirts. I may have my issues with Local Girl, but they were also having some lesbian moments before that. I was completely and utterly dazed and confused. Had I fallen into a porn dimension? It was crazy. I was weak. They started to then proceed to have a conversation about blow jobs and about gett.... You know what I can't even continue with the conversation they were having. I had to leave as soon as they were talking abuot BJ's. I could not stand there any longer. I was turned on for the rest of the evening. The dilemma was my wife was at work. I am glad to report all systems were contained. We had no incidents.

Another problem was that the rest of the weekend, I had that thought with me all the time. I keep running the conversation in my head. I was thinking I should have been drunk and it would not have phased me, but I was a little sober. Dash it all. I did not get to take out my frustration with my wife. It would have helped I am sure.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Los Caminos de La Vida.

Fate has a special way of bringing us together sometimes. Well...that is if you believe in fate. Last night, was one of those magical nights of fate and serendipity. Actually the morning was about fate and meetings too, but those are not as important as the evening. Okay except for one visitor.

I have been quite the popular guy at work. Girls have a come a knocking. This is a definite ego boost. Again, this is not very important. What I am about to say or tell you...may shock you? (in a Rod Serling voice from Night Gallery). Okay...this was only designed to fill space. Now on to the show.

Sonrisa surprises me by stopping by my office. It was a great surprise to see her. I was totally not expecting her at all. It was the last 10 minutes of the work day. We had made plans to go to catch Blind Mouth Singing. It was exciting to wait for this momentous (sp?) occasion. I wondered about our relationship. In the sense, we used to be great friends in college. We would spend a lot of time together, Sonrisa and I. It was great and then it just stopped. It seems fate has brought us back together again. We mentioned this to each other at the end of the night. It is great that we make time for each other and can continue to be very close friends. This is very apparent in the little conversation we had with Mariposa, Chancla, and Billy the Kid at a a bar on Division and Damen. Sonrisa was just punking me out left and right. It was okay because I have mentioned to the others. She knows me in and out. She probably knows me better than I know myself. Anywho...the play was awesome and the little get together at the bar afterward was great. By the way, this was not planned at all. I mean about getting together with all the other great characters and I do mean characters. I planned Sonrisa in the sense of hanging out with her, but the other guy and girls were all brought together by one fate. Great drama and a beer or two. Okay...Chicago stay fresh and Happy Friday. Yay!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

I miss the Stelladoro Breadsticks.

Do you remember the would walk around sucking on these as a snack. I remember the smell of these little sticks. I remember buying these little sticks and continuing the tradition with my kids. I have many fond memories of my kids doing little cute things and making faces. Memories...they rock.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I was listening to the Beatles on the way in to work. The band just rocks. I love oldies. I need a new car that has a working radio. So, I can listen to 94.7. I have been trying to write, but lack the energy to think. I have tons of topics I want to tackle. Well...let me do snippets of thoughts.

I went to jury duty on Monday. It was kind of cool. I was escorted into a room by a sheriff and got questioned. The case had to do with a cyclist and a motor vehicle. In other words, I know I was not going to get picked. It was interesting to note that a lot of people have been in accidents and have gone to one major university in the city of Chicago. I enjoyed my train ride on the blue line. The Washington Stop literally drops you off at the entrance to J Daley Center. It was great. I had to fumble with my plastic bag that had my Mocha Capuccino, lunch, books, and a sketch pad. I should have gotten a bookbag. Oh well...there it is.

I have been making capuccinos at home. They are turning out okay. The ones I had were a little unsweetened. I did make one yesterday that was great. It was for the misses. She had to work late last night. I made one previously and the machine was acting on the fritz. She did not like that one at all. I had to warm the milk in the microwave. The machine did not want to shoot out steam. I fixed it yesterday.

My wife went thru my cellphone calling lists. I think that is a little rude. She tells me, "You need more guy friends." She saw Sonrisa's call on my phone. She did not give a hard time. "Oh...I see you talked to Sonrisa." I responded, "Yeah I had a strange dream and I decided to let Sonrisa know about it".

It has been a drag at work. I am looking or searching for something. I don't know what it is. I welcomed the break of routine of taking the train to jury duty. I have been working out. It is 20 minutes. I need to increase the time and the circuits. It is still some progress.

I looked in the mirror and thought to myself..."Damn you look good!!" My wife tells me to let their air out of my head before I get a huge ego. Real nice, huh. She did agree that I looked good. It was a small victory for my ego. Hope all is well bloggers.

Remember I still love you all.